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Horsham Nursery School


Starting Nursery

Starting nursery is an important time for young children and their parents. For many children it might be the first time they have been left with another person, and often this can be as difficult for the parents as it is for the child.

Key to the settling in process is our Key Carer approach. All children will be allocated a Key Carer, this is a member of staff who will have key responsibility for your child – they will be your main point of contact and it is crucial that we build up strong relationships with you, forming a strong foundation of mutual trust and respect, in order to ensure your child feels safe and secure.

This relationship starts on the home visit where your Key Carer will visit you at home. Your child will then be able to see that their new ‘Key Carer’ is trusted by their parent/s. The home visit is an opportunity to share information about your child, enabling staff to provide the very best start in nursery. After the home visit you will be able to visit the nursery to help your child settle.

On their first day at nursery we encourage parents to either stay around or be easily contactable. Children generally settle quickly into the nursery environment and are excited and motivated by the range of experiences on offer.