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Horsham Nursery School


The Nursery Environment

The nursery environment is a purpose built open plan space incorporating a large garden area which is used all year round and throughout each session. In the Over 3’s the space is zoned to provide different areas; these include a maths area, music room, graphics area, workshop area, creative area, children’s kitchen and home corner.

The Discoverers provision comprises two rooms, one set up for more messy activities, and the other a quieter space. The rooms incorporate a sensory space, sleep room, changing area and kitchen areas.

The Explorers provision is a large playroom flowing into a garden space. There is a separate sleep room, a kitchen area and changing area. 

There is open access between the Discoverers and Over 3’s areas which enable children to see the whole nursery. Siblings are able to communicate with each other and also children can keep in touch with their Key Carers even when they have moved on! Children in the Explorers room visit the Discoverers and use the sensory room and soft play. 

The nursery is very well resourced and provides children with a wide variety of activities and experiences each day, ideally suited to their needs.

Babies and young children primarily learn through using their senses to explore the world around them. The Under 3’s areas have a range of sensory equipment , to enable children to explore their environment through their senses. A range of natural objects and equipment are provided to allow children to safely explore and learn and make sense of the world around them.

We offer a rich and varied curriculum in a safe and inviting environment. Each child is an individual and comes to nursery with their own unique experiences and personalities; we recognise this and aim to work with children to develop their interests and skills as well as introducing them to new and different ideas and possibilities.

We believe that children learn best when they are engaged and interested in what they are doing, the emphasis is on learning through play, and the provision of relevant first hand experiences that extend and enrich children’s understanding of the world, a child’s play is their work! By using this approach children’s learning is relevant and more likely to become embedded and applied in a variety of different situations. Staff plan learning experiences that build on children’s existing experience to support the development of skills and attitudes enabling them to become independent and self-motivated learners.

The outdoor environment is a vital part of our provision and it is staffed in the same way as the indoor space. Children are able to access the area throughout the session and all year round. The outdoor space includes climbing opportunities, a range of bikes, trikes and scooters as well as a mud patch, vegetable beds and a jungle area to explore! Wet weather gear and boots are provided so children can play outside whatever the weather!

The outdoor environment provides a multitude of experiences for young children to explore and develop their skills. Children particularly develop their physical, personal, social and communication skills by interacting together in the outside environment, negotiating and taking turns in their play.

We have a dedicated soft play space that we use to help develop children's physical skills and abilities.