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Horsham Nursery School


Our Governing Body

As a Nursery School we are required to have a governing body. The remit of the governing body is to provide a strategic view and to ensure accountability. It has overall responsibility for ensuring that all aspects of the nursery school are well led and maintained. This includes admissions, curriculum delivery, and management of the budget, setting and ratifying the policies and the monitoring and implementation of the Nursery Development Plan.

If you need to contact the Governing Body at any time this should be done through the Chair of Governors. Please ask at the nursery office for their contact details.

We are always looking for new Governors to join us – so if you are interested please come and talk to us – just ask at the nursery office.

Please click here for details about what the Governors have done over the past year. This year the Governors have produced an Impact Statement which is a more detailed document explaining the work they do and the impact that this has.

If you would like to know more about the members of our Governing Body please click here to read about what they bring to their role as Governors.

List of Governors

Chair of Governors  
El Davis Co-opted Governor
Vice Chair  
Amy Hudspith  Parent Governor
Liz Mellor Headteacher Governor
Julia Kirk Local Authority Governor
Jo Downes Co-opted Governor
Deanne Ambrose Co-opted Governor
Chris Downing Co-opted Governor
Kirsty Blenkarn Parent Governor
Tina Fosberry   Staff Governor
Lisa Steele Co-opted Governor
Ann Gilchrist Co-Opted Governor
Lynne Wise Co-Opted Governor
Sophie Ryde Clerk to the Governing Body